
About This Project


This book is from Bass Library at Yale University.

It was published in 1970.

It was illustrated by Donald Green.

Library of Congress catalog number = 74-118704.

Why this book?

This edition contains the original illustrations.

It contains a card left inside by a library visitor.

Its cover is just orange.

How to navigate this site

There are five main ways to navigate this site. One is to navigate back and forth through all the scans using the "Previous" link at the bottom of each scanned page and clicking on the pictures themselves to move forwards. Another is to use the home page by clicking on the title of each scan. They are listed by title, but organized by page number, and all link back to Home. Another is to use the thumbnails on the home page as shortcuts to the pages you're interested in. Alternatively, you oculd use the Table of Contents (which is a scanned page itself) to any pages in one of the chapters listed. Not all chapters have a corresponding page. All pages that are accessible through the Table of Contents have a hyperlink to it at the top. All pages are at most three links away the home page. Additionally, some pages include additional links to other pages based on content similarities. All links lead to a page with a return link to exact page from which it was accessed with one exeption. The fifth way is to do whatever you want.